In the same way that trucks are bigger than cars, truck accidents are bigger than auto accidents. And the path through truck accident litigation is strewn with all kinds of challenges not usually seen in auto accident litigation.
Truck Accidents Account For Every Eighth Fatality on US Roads.
Quick: are there more fatalities in motorcycle accidents or in truck accidents each year in the US? Answer: motorcycle accidents cause one in 9 of all the traffic fatalities in the US, while truck accidents account for one in eight traffic fatalities in the US. There are 500,000 trucking accidents in the US each year, in which there are 5,000 fatalities. Most truck accidents happen on the weekend, most happen in rural areas away from cities, and most occur during daylight. A possible insight into truck accidents can be seen in this quote from the Center for National Truck and Bus Statistics that says that driving under the influence of alcohol is "one of the leading causes of truck accidents today."
Truck Accident Litigation Can Involve Different US States.
But as we already said, truck accidents are bigger than auto accidents, and litigation if you are injured or a loved one is killed, is also bigger and therefore takes longer than most auto accident litigation. The truck accident is bigger because there are so many possible issues involved: the driver may be licensed in one state, the truck owner licensed in another state, and the accident happens in a third state. And that's just the beginning, right?
That's why truck accident litigation takes so much time. And the insurance companies sniff out which plaintiffs or law firms can least afford to hold out for a better deal in court, and they go after them and further delay the proceedings until it becomes a nightmare of overdue bills for the plaitiff and a large amount of valuable resources tied up. There's an old Finnish proverb that says, "God heals and the doctor takes the money".
Non-Recourse Funding May Be The Solution For Plaintiffs And Law Firms.
The solution for the law firm is to obtain non-recourse funding through Nationwide Litigation Funding. Non-recourse funding is not a loan, does not require credit, collateral or monthly payment schedule, and best of all, a non-recourse loan does not have to be repaid if the case goes against you.
With a non-recourse loan from Nationwide Litigation Funding, life can carry on: medical bills can be paid, living expenses can be met, attorney's expenses in gathering information and evidence from all over, so law firms do not find they have tied up too much capital in one case so they can't take on other cases. Nationwide Litigation Funding works with a single case or a matrix of cases, and provides the law firm with valuable cash flow, without which no business can survive.