Intellectual Property
In the modern world we live in most people have a reasonably good idea about what constitutes an “Intellectual Property”. What comes to mind for most people are probably terms like patents, trademarks, a movie script, a book or a song. Truth is, is that there are many other forms of creation that are protected under the intellectual property laws.
If you are uncertain about what is protected or not you should consult an attorney immediately who is familiar with IP and the costs, i.e., litigation funding, of pursuing this type of lawsuit.
Have You Been Infringed Upon?
Sometimes it is a clear cut case of unauthorized use and sometimes it is far more complex because usually the facts are muddled by time and the remembrances of witnesses. This type of litigation and its funding needs the expertise of a company like Nationwide Litigation Funding who has had extensive experience with this type of lawsuit.
We are all aware of the “knock-off” market such as a Louis Vuitton purse for only $15.00. While the infringement is beyond apparent the prosecution of that case is probably far more complex, costly and usually involves off-shore expertise. So that is why for the most part only the biggest corporations ever try to sue for damages.
But what if you bring a “gadget” that you have a patent on to a company and you enter into an non-disclosure agreement and the next thing you know a subsidiary of that company is making your product – then it’s time to seek counsel and the necessary plaintiff and attorney advances to prosecute your case.
So if the above applies to you and you have filed an action against persons and/or entities that violated your “Intellectual Property” you can expect, in general, a protracted battle to protect your rights. Non-recourse advances for plaintiffs are readily available to people like yourself when the investors truly understand the nature of your lawsuit -- NLFunding has been a leader in this type of financing for IP lawsuits.
While there are many types of intellectual properties and many laws that protect your rights it pretty much comes down to a state adopted law the Uniform Trade Secrets Act and at the federal level the Economic Espionage Act of 1996.
Nationwide Litigation Funding will supply the money for litigation costs and litigation expenses so that you can protect “your” most valuable asset. Call us now!